Home » Guides » How to Fix “add-apt-repository command not found” in Ubuntu

How to Fix “add-apt-repository command not found” in Ubuntu

Have you ever encountered the frustrating error message “add-apt-repository command not found” while trying to install software on Ubuntu?

Fear not, this common issue has a simple fix! This guide will walk you through resolving the error and getting back to adding repositories and installing your favorite programs in no time.

add-apt-repository command not found
add-apt-repository command not found

Understanding the Error:

The “add-apt-repository” command is a handy tool used to add new software sources (repositories) to your Ubuntu system. These repositories hold a vast collection of programs beyond what’s available by default. However, if you see the “command not found” message, it means the system doesn’t recognize the “add-apt-repository” command because the necessary package isn’t installed.

Fixing the Error: A Simple Solution

Thankfully, fixing this error is a breeze. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Open a Terminal: The terminal is a command-line interface where you can interact with your system. You can usually find it by searching for “Terminal” in the Applications menu.
  • Install the Missing Package: Run the following command in the terminal window:
sudo apt install software-properties-common
  • Explanation:
    • sudo grants temporary administrative privileges to install software.
    • apt is the package manager used in Ubuntu.
    • install tells apt to install a package.
    • software-properties-common is the package that includes the “add-apt-repository” command.
  • Enter your Password: When prompted, type your Ubuntu password and press Enter. The password won’t be shown on screen for security reasons.
  • Wait for Installation: The terminal will download and install the package. This might take a few minutes depending on your internet speed.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed the missing package and should now be able to use the “add-apt-repository” command without any errors.


Do I need to restart my computer after installing the package?

No, restarting isn’t necessary for this fix.

What if I still see the error message after installation?

This is uncommon, but if it persists, try refreshing your package lists with the command sudo apt update and then try using “add-apt-repository” again.

Wrapping Up:

With the “add-apt-repository” command back in action, you can now explore a wider world of software for your Ubuntu system. Remember, it’s always a good idea to consult the software source’s instructions before adding a repository. This ensures compatibility and a smooth installation process.

bishal pokhrel

Bishal Pokhrel

Bishal Pokhrel is a tech expert with practical experience in Linux, Windows, ChromeOS Flex, and Chrome OS. He creates easy-to-follow guides based on careful testing, making sure his readers get accurate and trustworthy information.

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